At Coastal Community Dog Training Club we believe in setting you and your dog up to succeed and we believe the best way to do this is through rewards-based and competency-focused training. This means that both you and your dog can work through the class exercises at your own pace without the stress of deadlines or tests. Once you have mastered all the exercises for each class you will progress on to the next level.​
After Good Dog Level 2 Class, we provide the option of more advanced skills Future Champs classes, providing the foundations for future competition in obedience, rally obedience and other dog sports or our Tricks and Other Fun class.
​Class Schedule
9 am
New Member Sign-up
Good Dog 2
Advanced & Trialling
Future Champs 3
Future Champs 4
Perfect Pups
New Dogs
Good Dog 1
Tricks & Other Fun
Future Champs 3 & 4
In these classes dogs will gain a broader set of obedience skills which will prepare them for trialling and other dog sports.
Perfect Pups & New Dogs Classes
Good Dog 1 & 2
Dogs aged under 6 months will begin in Perfect Pups class which focuses on puppy development, health and welfare, social interaction with dogs and people, puppy training principles and basic obedience.
Dogs aged over 6 months will begin in New Dogs Class. This is an introductory class in which we teach basic obedience and focus on rewards and how to use them successfully.
Beginners obedience classes focusing on obedience life skills such as gaining your dog's attention, loose-lead walking, sit, down, stay, place training and recall.
Advanced & Trialling
For teams that are interested in learning more advanced obedience and rally obedience skills and preparation to compete in dog trials.
Tricks & Other Fun
A social class for Good Dog 2 graduates that focuses on tricks and an introduction to other dog sports.