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Membership Fees

Joining Fee                                                                         $25.00


Junior Yearly Membership                                              $50.00*


Single Yearly Membership                                              $65.00


Family Yearly Membership                                             $80.00**


Australian Pensioner Yearly Membership                    $50.00


All Fees correct for training year ending November 30th 2020


*Please note Junior members must be between 10 and 18 years of age and accompanied by a supervising adult to all training and club events, CCDTC has a number of child protection and safety measures in place in accordance with legislated requirements.


**Family membership consists of any people residing at the same address


Yearly membership rates are reduced to 50% (not inclusive of the joining fee) from June 21, 2020 for the 2020 Calendar training year.

Membership Requirements

Members must provide a current vaccination certificate (C5 preferred) and updates as necessary. Titre testing results may be used as evidence of vaccination status.


All members must wear safe, closed-in footwear to participate in training.


Upon joining, members will be issued with a name badge and must wear this at all training sessions. (Replacement badges can be purchased at each training session).


Member attendance must be recorded at each training session.


Coastal Community Dog Training Club Inc. aspires to force-free training methods. Use of check chains, prong, pinch or electric collars are NOT permitted in our training classes or at Club events.

Download a Membership Form

Training  Notes

What to wear- Dogs:

A soft, flat collar and soft lead between 900mm and 1200mm long. Front-attach harnesses may be worn by dogs with persistent pulling behaviour.


What to wear - Humans:

Safe, enclosed footwear.

Hat and sunscreen on high UV Index days. 


What to bring:

Plenty of small, tasty treats for your dog.

Water Bottle.


Classes are held each Sunday from February to end of November, excluding Public Holiday long weekends and any Sunday on which the maximum temperature forecast for Adelaide is 33 degrees or above. Refer to the Bureau of Meteorology website at at 5pm on the Saturday before training training.


Our Facebook page will also be updated at this time to reflect if training will go ahead or if classes will be cancelled due to hot weather.


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